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Granzella's Restaurant and Delicatassen

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Chiligods Green Pepper Sauce

Shake well, stand back and get ready for pure satisfaction as you take off with the tasty, tangy-zing created by the Chiligods. Made with Jalapeno Puree (Jalapeno Peppers, Salt, Acetic Acid) Water, Tomatillo, Distilled Vinegar, Spices, Lemon Juice, Xanthan Gum, Crushed Garlic (Garlic and Citric Acid), Onion, Lime Juice, Cane Sugar and Citric Acid. 

Chiligods Green Pepper Sauce

Chiligods Green Pepper Sauce

Chiligods Green Pepper Sauce

Shake well, stand back and get ready for pure satisfaction as you take off with the tasty, tangy-zing created by the Chiligods. Made with Jalapeno Puree (Jalapeno Peppers, Salt, Acetic Acid) Water, Tomatillo, Distilled Vinegar, Spices, Lemon Juice, Xanthan Gum, Crushed Garlic (Garlic and Citric Acid), Onion, Lime Juice, Cane Sugar and Citric Acid.